Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Project 3- iMovie

My iMovie corresponds to Indiana Standard SCI.C.9.2 2010 - Illustrate the variety of molecular types formed by the bonding of hydrogen atoms and describe the typical properties of these molecular types.

The most challenging aspect of developing this project was finding pictures with a high resolution.  I often found that my images appeared pixellated.  Aside from a few blurry images here and there, it was also frustrating not to be able to work on this outside of class.  I spent most of my in-class time looking for better quality images!!!

The most rewarding aspect of this project was seeing the finalized version.  With text, audio, and transitions accompanying my images, everything fit together nicely.

I see this iMovie (and hopefully others) as a great approach to introducing a new topic to students. It is a neat way to get them engaged and interested in a topic.   It would also make a useful complementary media to go alongside a lecture. 

Students could also use iMovie as a supplement source for learning or create their own for a project or presentation.  It would be a great way to combine their artistic and creative skills with science!

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