Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Project 4 - Instructional Website

This project of creating a website has been the most challenging, yet rewarding application in technology.  Creating a website is something that I was least experienced with and also had the most difficulty creating.  Additionally, as a group project is was not easy to come up with (and agree upon) an interdisciplinary theme relevant to biology, math and chemistry.

So, what did our group come up with? Nothing short of being school appropriate....Blood Spatter Analysis.  And yes, we included a disclaimer.

We equally shared the role of the introduction of our interdisciplinary theme as well as the final project.  My specific role on the team was to assist in creating a webpage on the chemical aspects of blood.  Additionally, I discussed how one can detect blood with the chemical, lumionol.  I briefly covered the reaction of luminol and how it is activated with the iron found in hemoglobin and how it acts as the catalysis of the reaction.  You can view our website at

There are many benefits for a teacher to create and utilize a website.  A website is very personal and informative.  It is FREE when using Google Sites and can be created/changed/updated easily (with experience).  It would be a great way to post announcements, assignments, test dates, etc.  Most importantly, it is easily accessible.  Parents and students can utilize it from home.  I believe it is a great way to bring the classroom and media together as well as bridging the communication gap between teachers and parents.  Cons?  Well, it is difficult to master :)

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